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Aos 19 anos

Aos 19 anos, o jovem está por demais habituado a submeter-se a intervenções cirúgicas. Estas guardada-a com enorme expectativa, confiante de que contribuirá para lhe minorar as dores nas pernas.

Paulo sofre da síndrome de Klipper-Trenaunay, uma doença rara que lhe foi diagnosticada há sete anos, embora as complicações o persigam desde o nascimento.

"Durante a gravidez detectaram-lhe um dos rins com o dobro do outro. Foi o primeiro alerta de que algopoderia estar bem".

Mas outros problemas eram visíveis.
" O seu lado esquerdo era maior que o direito e o corpo estava cheio de manchas vermelhas."

Só nos primeiros três meses sofreu quatro infecções graves. "Criava pus, inchava e tinha de ser lancetado."

Translation in English

At 19 Years old

At 19, this young man is overly used to being submitted to surgical procedures. He waits anxiously, trusting that these will contribute to ease the constant pain he has in his legs.

Paulo suffers from Klipper-Trenaunay Syndrome, a rare disease diagnosed when he was seven, even though his symptoms and complications have followed him since birth.

During pregnancy, the doctors noticed one of his kidneys being almost twice the size of the other. It was the first sign that something could be wrong.

But there were other visible problems.
“His left side of the body was larger than his right side and he was covered in red spots.”

In his first three months of life he suffered four acute infections. “Pus would build up, swelling would occur and the area had to be lanced”.

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